15 NovembER 2024
09:00 - 09:15
Official opening and presentation of research news
- Bertrand Piccard (President Solar Impulse Foundation)
- Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli (Representative of the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL)
09:15 - 09:30
Current challenges in energy and climate policy, the federal position
- Benoît Revaz (Dir. Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE) - by video
09:30 - 10:00
Concrete action: proposals from energy companies
- Dominique Martin (Head of Public Affairs and member of the AES Executive Board)
- Pierre-Alain Kreutschy (President of Gaziers romands)
- Luca Schenk ( President of Helvoil SA)
10:00 - 11:00
Round-table discussion with representatives of Swiss political parties
- Cyril Aellen (PLR)
- Christophe Clivaz (Green)
- Nicolas Kolly (UDC)
- Roger Nordmann (PS)
- Benjamin Roduit (Centre)
- Céline Weber (Green-Liberal)
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:15
A special focus on hydrogen
- Dr. Eric C. Gaucher (CEO LavoisierH2)
- Alexandre Closset (Project manager, Energy Center EPFL, Progress made by the CGES (« Coalition for Green Energy and Storage»)
12:15 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
Presentation of a country: State of Qatar
- Dr. Soud Khalifa Al Thani (Director of Green Development & Sustainability Department at the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change)
- Yousef Al Awadhi (Head of Environmental Sustainability Section at the Greed Development and Environmental Sustainability Department, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change)
- Professor Saoud Abdulghani (Head of Mechanical Engineering at Qatar University)
- Sheikh Ali Salman Al Thani (Director of Qatar Scientific Club)
- Fatima Zayed Al Maadeed (Qatar University), Waad Nasser Al Maadeed (Georgetown University in Qatar) and Athba Ali Al Kuwari (Georgetown University in Qatar): Youth-Led Innovations in Sustainability: Lessons from Qatar’s Mega-Events
14:30 - 15:30
A special focus on agriculture
- Martin Pidoux (Director of Prométerre, Overview of the role and challenges facing agriculture in the face of climate change)
- Aude Jarabo (Director AgroImpact, Presentation of www.agroimpact.ch)
- Nicolas Pavillard (Farmer, Presentation of www.pavillard.com)
- Reynald Pasche (Arborist, Presentation of the community garden project with the town within his agroforestry plot)
15:30 - 16:30
The role of the cantons and municipalities
- Mohamed Meghari (Head of Division, Direction générale de l’environnement - Division Efficacité énergétique, Canton de Vaud)
- Baptiste Antille (Head of the Energy Policy Division of Services industriels of Lausanne)
- Philippe Délèze (Director GENEDIS)
- Bernard Lukey (Managing Director STEEN Sustainable Energy SA)
16:30 - 17:30